Tuesday, October 27, 2009

365 Project - Day 87

Today's pictures reflect a bit on how my day has gone.

I am excited to be doing my first newborn shoot on Thursday! I am so happy to have this opportunity but am also quite nervous about it and want to be prepared as good as I can be.

I wanted to haul out Niklas's "baby" to practice a bit on and to test out some props and different things.


I think the pictures speak for themselves how much success I had with that idea!

The one thing it confirmed for me was that it really is the best idea NOT to bring Niklas with to the shoot on Thursday!!


Luckily his big brother is home and will be taking care of him!


  1. Baha! This post really cracked me up. I love your son. Wish you weren't so far awaaaaaay!

    But, I think you'll have much more success with an actual newborn and even if Niklas had to go along, I hope he wouldn't stand on the baby O_O ;)

    So cute.

  2. OMG that last pic is soo funny!!! that made my day!!!


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