Friday, May 7, 2010

i heart faces: Fix-It Friday #53

It's fix-it Friday time at iheartfaces! The picture this week is of a super cutie!
Here's the original:
I started off doing a basic edit on the picture. I brought it into CS5 photoshop which I have set to automatically open pictures first in ACR so I adjusted the exposure and color tone a bit there and added a bit of contrast and sharpening before bringing it completely into photoshop. In photoshop I cloned out some of the discoloring on the his right cheek (on the left side of the picture). I duplicated the layer and did a gaussian blur on it, set it on screen mode and reduced the opacity to 20% , masked that layer and painted only his skin back on. I did a very slight eye pop and ran a new action I'm testing for AMP (called Cutie Pie) at 50% opacity. Here is  my basic edit:
 since that went so fast, I decided to play a bit more with it and added a texture on it:
the texture can be found here:

With the texture on it, I started getting the feeling it was looking like it needed a frame or something, so I played some more and tried to give it an antique picture look:
the old photo texture can be found here:

That was fun!!

To see more "fix-it Friday" fixes, head on over to iheartfaces:


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