Friday, October 16, 2009

365 Project - Day 76

Santa in October?!

Santa in October?!

Santa in October?!

Santa in October?!

Santa in October?!
Santa in October?!
Santa in October?!
Santa in October?!
Santa in October?!

"...Why doesn't Santa belong at this time of year? ... Does it have to be December only? Can you feel the happiness around you?
I ask all of these questions because it stirs in me a feeling that Joy and Happiness and the feelings of goodwill towards others belongs for only a short time in the hearts and minds of many people. Once the festive season is over we pause and sigh and get back to the daily grind of life as it slowly and painfully trudges towards another season of happiness and goodwill. What happens in between? Do we have an off switch or a closet where we can hang those things and dust them off once a year?
Why do many people think that the feelings of Christmas only belong AT Christmas?

Maybe if we sat silently in a comfy quiet place for a while with our feet up and our eyes closed we could concentrate on what it feels like at Christmas. Regain the spirit!
Let's stop and think and start each day as if it were Christmas. Let's have the joy and peace and happiness and goodwill to all men that surrounds the earth for a short time each year.

Or.... is Christmas just about what we receive? Those who truly know and have the spirit of Christmas already know that true happiness is in the giving!!

Let's make everyday just like Christmas. ..."

(taken from Santa's Blog, "Every Day Should be Christmas")


  1. The first photo is adorable!

    And I just absolutely love your work. And you're going to be a GREAT photographer if you ever decide to turn this into an actual business and start "shooting" for clients <3.

  2. Thank you so much for your feedback! :D


It's always so nice to receive feedback! Thank you!